Monday 24 November 2014

Nov 24 Update: Spirit Day #3, Social Studies, and Language

salamun alaykum,

News and homework that will be covered over the next week.

Spirit Day This Thursday!

Social Studies

Students are testing their knowledge and giving each other feedback on their Board Game Projects that were submitted last week.


Our class lessons are focused on learning good Editing/Peer Assessment habits. We will start most lessons with daily editing exercises and using what we have learned to improve our Parables of Respect writing activity.

Comm. Skills pg 40-46 due Friday

Spelling Workbook pg 42-47 due Friday

Spelling Test #7 due next Monday (word list below)

Thursday 20 November 2014

Letter from Tr. Amal (Arabic Speakers)

أولياء الأمور الكرام السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

انهينا درس (في مكتب البريد ) وسيكون هناك اختبار كتابي يشمل جميع المهارات التي غطيت في الدرس يوم الثلاثاء 25 /11 

_ إن شاء الله _ 

1- أسئلة فهم واستيعاب 

2- المفردات ( المعنى  /الضد /  كتابة جماة تشتمل على إحدى المفردات التي درست )
3- استخدام  التعبير الآتي في جملة من إنشاء التلميذ   ( بعد أن ..................  )

شكرا لكم تعاونكم

المدرسة أمل

Monday 17 November 2014

Homework Update


Autobiography chapter 7,8,9 due Nov 24th

Spelling Workbook pg 42-47 due Nov 24th

Comm. Skills pg 40-46 due Nov 24th

Spelling List #6 ***study spelling and meaning  of each word*** (Test Nov 25th)

Social Studies

Board Game Project due this Thursday

Friday 7 November 2014

Nov 7 update

salamun alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Below are the different tasks/ homework the students should be aware of:

- Comm. Skills pg 36-39 due next Friday
- Spelling Workbook pg 34-41 due next Friday
- Spelling Test #5 next Friday
*please remember to know both the spelling and meaning of the words.

Social Studies - Students are working to finish their projects in class. Well done students for all your hard work, enthusiasm, and co-operation up to now.

Islamic Studies - Students are learning about the Prophet Nuh 
- This Month's theme is "Respect"
- Students must practice singing the Chorous of our assembly song (sound file can be viewed/downloaded here to help them practice)