Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Math Test- Tuesday June 6th

Math Test- Tuesday June 6th

  • Use probability language to describe predictions (likely, unlikely, impossible, certain)
  • Express the likelihood of an event as a fraction
  • Predict the probability of events
  • Use tree diagrams to record the outcomes of an experiment
  • Study Ch review pg 378-379 Q’s 1,3, 5, 8,9a,b


Ahlam Rashid,OCT
Grade 6A Homeroom Teacher

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Test on surah Al-Mulk on Tuesday 23, 2017

Test on surah Al-Mulk on Tuesday 23, 2017


Ibtissam Chehade,
Quran Teacher
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation

Science Quiz Tuesday, May 23rd

Science Quiz Tuesday, May 23rd

Study text book p. 4, 5, 6, 7
Study worksheets p. 23, 24, 25, 26

Arabic Test

Assalamu alaicum Dear Parents

The students will have Arabic test on  ( تجنب الحوادث   )  Page(68-69-70- 71 )  Fr 26/4/2017

Monday, 15 May 2017

Arabic Test on Wednesday

إلى الأهالي الكرام,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته و بعد,

أسأل الله بأن تصلكم رسالتي و أنتم بأحسن حال. سيعقد بمشيئة الله اختبار اللغة العربية للصف الخامس في يوم الأربعاء القادم الموافق 17 مايو 2017. و سيشمل الاختبار المادة التالية:

من كتاب القراءة:
درس جحا و الحمار (دراسة معاني الكلمات, دراسة إجابات فقرة أجيب عن الأسئلة).

من كتاب القواعد:
صفحة 33,31,30 التمرين الأول فقط, 35.

مع تمنيّاتي لتلاميذي الأعزاء بالتوفيق.
أ. نسرين زاهده

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Math Test-May 10th

Math Test-May 10th
  • Identify the number of edges, faces, and vertices for any given prism and pyramids
  • Make a net for a given 3-D shape
  • Identify the difference between prisms and pyramids and name them.
  • Calculate the volume of rectangular prism using the formula: L xW xH
  • Comparing mass of different objects using appropriate units (g, mg. Kg, t)
  • Identify the relationship between capacity units and volume units
  • Study problem bank Q1, Q2, Q6, Q7 and Skills bank Q2, Q6

Ahlam Rashid,OCT

Friday, 28 April 2017

Media Literacy quiz on Thursday, May 4

Assalamu Alaikum,

There will be a Media Literacy quiz on Thursday, May 4 for Grade 5 students.  Students will be expected to know the following material for the quiz:

- Media Literacy definitions worksheet (Media Literacy, Mass Media, Popular Culture)
- Advertising definition
- Ad Techniques (Hype, Claim Testimonial/Endorsement, etc.)
- Media Tricks

Tr. Salma

Friday, 21 April 2017

Arabic Test

Assalamu alaicum Dear Parents

The students will have Arabic test on  (حملة تنظيف  )  Page( 64-65- 66- 67 )  Th 274/2017

Science Test - Thursday, April 27

Science Test - Thursday, April 27

Study worksheets p. 43 to 63

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Math Test- April 24th

Math Test- April 24th
  • Make models of fractions and name equivalent fractions
  • Compare fractions
  • Represent & rename improper fractions as mixed numbers
  • Use relationship between decimals and fractions to make comparisons
  • Study Ch. Review questions 4,5,6,7,8 pg355

Ahlam Rashid,OCT

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Science/Art Project

Science/Art Project
Insulated Cup
Due Monday, April 24th

Design a cup that would keep a drink hot for a long period of time. Please follow the guidelines listed below:
  • Use only the cup provided by your teacher. If you lose it or break it, you will be responsible for replacing it. The teacher cannot provide you with another cup.
  • Use any kind of insulating material on the outside of your cup. The only materials not allowed are glass and sharp dangerous parts.
  • Decorate your cup to make it look pleasant but also practical to use. You will be marked for the artwork.
  • The insulating layer and any decorations on your cup should not exceed a thickness of 2cm.
The Ultimate Competition

During the week of April 24th, the cups will be tested in class for being good insulating cups. Points will be given based on the time they held a hot drink. Any student who has used a cup different than the one provided to the rest of the class, will not enter the competition because the test then would not be a ”Fair Test”.

Have Fun Experimenting :))))
Enjoy Your Time!

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Updates from the Qur'an Teacher

Assalaamu 'Alaykum Dear Parents, 

We finished surah Al-Qalam mashaa Allah all students did a good job Alhamdoulillah!!!

Inshaa Allah we will start with surah Al-Mulk inshaa Allah.


Ibtissam Chehade,
Quran Teacher
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation

Friday, 7 April 2017

Math Quiz-Monday April 10th

Math Quiz-Monday April 10th
  • Make model of fractions and name equivalent fractions
  • Compare fractions using fraction circles and common denominator

Math Quiz-Monday April 10th

Math Quiz-Monday April 10th
  • Make model of fractions and name equivalent fractions
  • Compare fractions using fraction circles and common denominator

Math Quiz-Monday April 10th

Math Quiz-Monday April 10th
  • Make model of fractions and name equivalent fractions
  • Compare fractions using fraction circles and common denominator

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Arabic test - Wed. 8/4/2017

Assalamu alaicum Dear Parents

The students will have Arabic test on  (أنظف أسناني )  Page(60-61-62-63) on Wed. 8/4/2017

Jazakumullahu khairan,

Tr. Sahar,
Arabic and Quran Teacher,
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation

نشاط اعرض و تكلم (الصف الخامس)

نشاط اعرض و تكلم (الصف الخامس)
على الطالب أن يتحدّث لمدة ما بين 3-5 دقائق عن (( وطن آبائي و أجدادي)) مستعينا بالنقاط التالية:
الموقع, العلم, الزيّ, أشهر المعالم الإسلامية, التراثية, والإسلامية, ذكريات جميلة,....إلخ
ملاحظه: ليس بالضرورة التقيد بجميع النقاط المذكورة أعلاه. و يستطيع الطالب أن يدعّم ذلك بالصور, علم, ملابس, طبق,....إلخ

سنتبع جدول التقييم التالي:

استخدام اللغة العربية بصوت واضح و مفهوم
جودة الجمل
كم المعلومات
الاستعانة بأمثلة توضيحية ( علم, صور, زيّ, طبق, …… إلخ)
موعد التسليم يطابق الموعد المحدد
العلامة النهائية:

و جزاكم الله خيرا لحسن تعاونكم و اهتمامكم

معلمة اللغة العربية
أ. نسرين زاهده

اسم الطالب
March 31
1. داليا عرفه
April 3
2. نور الجبور
April 5
3 غلا عويدي
April 7
4 شريف بهلول
April 10
5 لانه العنزي
April 12
6 لين أبو عاصي
April 14
7 حنين الحاج
April 17
8 فيصل الطيب
April 19
9 .زيد بو طالب
April 21
10 حسني غباس
April 24
11 وئام الغامدي
April 26
12 ماريا عبد الباقي
April 28
13 آيه سكيك
May 1
14 اسماعيل الاصفر
May 3
15 جنى غيبه
May 5
16 أحمد العتيبي
May 8
17 عمر عامر
May 10
18 جود الحصري
May 12
19 محمد محمد
May 15
20 أحمد الدسوقي
May 17
21 رند هباني
May 19
22 رياض عيد
May 24
24  كريم مملوك
May 26
25 صفيه درويش
May 29
26 يوسف عجور
May 31
June 5
June 7

Social Studies Quiz - Tuesday, April 4th

Social Studies Quiz - Tuesday, April 4th

Chapter 1, First Nations Peoples in Eastern Canada, Nelson Social Studies 5

  • ·         Why do we learn Social Studies?
  • ·         First Nation and European Explorers
  • ·         First Nations Peoples in Eastern Canada Before 1600
  • ·        Roles and Responsibilities Did Community Members Have
  • ·         How Did Communities Make Decisions?
  • ·         How Did First Nations Peoples Interact with Each Other?

Study: Handouts, Class notes, Glossary and PowerPoint Summery.

Best of Luck!  

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Math Test - Thursday, March 30th

Math Test - Thursday, March 30th

Ch 8 Test- Thursday March 30th
  • Know the definition of area and perimeter
  • Calculate the area of a rectangle/square using the rule (Length X width)
  • Draw different rectangles with the same area in the grid paper
  • Word problem similar to Q5 on page 233 of the Math textbook
  • Find out the area of complex shapes by breaking them into smaller parts (square/rectangle)- Similar to the hand out questions that were given in the class

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Sportswear Day, March 29th

AA Dear Parents, 

March 29th will be sportswear day inshallah.  The idea behind this spirit day was to tie it into the diversity of the Olympics, holding mini-Olympics on that day would be a fun way to tie it into the school day.

Science Quiz

Science Quiz

Tuesday, Mar. 28th

Circulatory system: worksheets p. 6, 34, 35
Musculoskeletal system: worksheets p. 10, 11, 11B, and the functions
Nervous system: worksheets p. 348, 349
Excretory system: worksheets p. 356, 357

Friday, 3 March 2017

Math Test on Thursday March 9th


Ch 5.Math Test on Thursday March 9th
  • Metric unit conversion: Km, m, mm
  • Measuring circumference
  • Measuring perimeter of different shape/rectangle
  • Drawing a shape with a given perimeter in a grid paper
  • Measuring time and recording dates and times


Ahlam Rashid,OCT
Grade 6A Homeroom Teacher

Friday, 24 February 2017

Science Project

Science Project
Human Body System
Due Monday, Mar 6
First Check: Monday, Feb 27

Design and construct a 3D model of a human body system. Please follow the guidelines listed below:
  • The model should be no less than the size of a large cereal box, but also at a reasonable size and weight. Something you can easily carry to school.
  • Use any kind of material to make your model: wood, clay, wires, balloons, plastic, fabric, cardboard, pipes, etc. The only material not allowed is glass and sharp dangerous parts.
  • Show all the organs clearly.
  • Label the different parts of your model clearly.
  • Attach a short explanation to your model (typed or neatly hand written) describing how the system works and what its main function is.
  • Your model should be able to stand by itself on a flat surface. This is important for the display during the Science Gallery.
  • First Check is on Monday, February 27th  and is marked. Please show me that you have started working on your project by providing one of the following:

- a colored sketch/drawing of your model on your Journal
- a draft of your short description on your Journal
- a list of the materials needed for your model, on your Journal
- email me a picture of yourself working on your model

Enjoy Your Time!

Movie Poster for Ultra

Movie Poster for Ultra

Project Description:  Imagine that David Carroll’s novel, Ultra, is being made into a movie.  Create a movie poster that advertises the upcoming movie
Project Requirements:
qMust be created on a large paper (provided)
qTitle must be in large writing and should stand out on your movie poster.
qYour name should appear on the poster as either the director or producer.
qA major illustration or collage should be the focus of your poster.  It should give a good idea of the theme of the novel.
qThe main character of the novel will be the cast in your movie.  Choose a famous movie star or television star that you know of and “cast” them in the main character role for your movie.  The other characters/stars of your movie can also be named on your poster.
qThe movie poster must have a slogan or catch phrase that represents the mood or theme of the novel (e.g. “In a galaxy far, far away” – Star Wars)
qA rating of the novel must be on the poster. (G or PG and a "Star" rating)

Have fun!  I am looking forward to seeing some creative results!

Tr. Salma