Thursday, 23 October 2014

Spelling List #3, Social Studies Group Project + 5B Islamic Studies Quiz

Social Studies Group Project

The students of Grade 5 will be starting work on a Group Project. The majority of the work will be required to be completed in-class.

-Creativity is encouraged in all aspects (e.g. board, characters, how to win). 
-Co-operation with other group members can make or break your work. 
-Try giving each group member 1 task to focus on at a time to work more efficiently.

Objective: Create an "Adventure in Early Canada" board game

Groups: 2-5 Students

Materials: - Construction Paper  
- Scissors
- Chart Paper        
- A few other crafting materials from home are accepted

Other Instructions: - Must be completed in class
- Must have clear rules
- Must feature realistic characters and "setting"
- Must be related to in-class learning

Character Ideas: fur traders, explorers, Natives (e.g. Huron, Iroquois), Samuel de Champlain, French/British soldiers, Jesuit priests/nuns, etc.

Playing space ideas: - woods and rivers, Map of Ontario, Map of Canada, other Canadian-inspired designs

Styles of games: Trivia cards for special spaces, roll dice to travel start to finish, compete for resources against other players, or come up with you own ideas.

Due: Nov 20, 2014
Islamic Studies Quiz

Students will be expected to know the names of Allah (Eng and Arabic) found on pages A28-A37
as well as the related healthy habits talked about on the same pages.

Quiz will be next Thursday (Oct 30)
Spelling List #3

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