Monday, 14 December 2015

Mix and Match Day + Winter Break

***This Thursday is Mix & Match Spirit Day*** 

Lastly, just a quick note thanking you all for your support and efforts over the last months, and wishing all the best to you and your loved ones over the winter break.

Monday, 30 November 2015



Tomorrow Tuesday Dec 1st is Toonie Tuesday

***bring $2 to wear non-uniform clothing

Half-day classes & PTI Night this Friday Dec 4th

Thursday, 26 November 2015


As salamu alaykum,

NOTE: Deadline to submit timings for PTI night is this Friday Nov 27th.

Social Studies:

Grade 5's have been assigned a short 2 week research project. They have been instructed to:
1) Choose a level of Government and a Government Program/Service that exists at that level
[e.g. Federal Government - Canada Post]

2) They have to summarize information they collect about the Program/Service, including the name and logo, location, clients, etc.)

The information they collect must be presented neatly, in an appealing way, and must include all the information outlined in class.

The 1st Part of the Project is due on Dec 8th.

Islamic Studies:

The students have been learning a lot about several of God's Prophets.This week along with some in-class review of the Prophets topic, we are beginning to introduce the children to the concept of Khusoo'

Boy's Health

Please remind your son that he should collect 1-3 nutrition facts labels from snacks that he frequently eats (if his snacks don't normally have labels/nutrition facts then he can bring any nutrition fact labels that he can find around the house.


Our marked quizzes were sent home on Monday, Nov 23. Please check, sign , and return them to the teacher. 
Our first Science gallery for this year "Bio Life Gallery" will be held in Elementary Gym onFriday, November 27 @ 9 am to 11 amParents are welcome.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Message from Arabic Teacher

الأهالي الكرام,

تمت مشاهدة الرابط التالي من قبل الطلبة بخصوص السلوك المستهدف لهذا الأسبوع و هو (( لا للتّنمر )) , أو ما يعرف بالعامية ( لا للبلطجة).
قام بعض الطلبة بإبداء رأيهم باللغة العربية الفصيحة,ذاكرين لبعض القصص من حولهم, و مستنكرين لهذا الطابع السيء من المتنمرين.

معلمة اللغة العربية:
أ. نسرين زاهده

Friday, 13 November 2015

Update Nov 13

as salamu alaykum

IMPORTANT: Please note that we will be accepting donations for Sadaqa Food Bank over the next 2 weeks. The Food Bank is in desperate need of Oil, Flour, Rice and Beans. We encourage you and your families to help if you can in shaa Allah.

Quran: Surat Al Haqq (ayat 1-8)

Science: Quiz on Monday (Study pg 34 circulatory system) & pg 11 (skeletal system)

Field Trip: Tuesday Nov 17 we will be headed to Parliament

Math: Congratulations to all the students! The class did amazing on their quiz :)

Islamic: The class is continuing to learn about the different Prophets in Islam. Their lineage, their miracles, and their common character.

Social Studies: Congratulations to the new Grade 5 Prime Ministers and their Political Parties. In class we are learning more about the levels of government and laws to prepare for our trip to the parliament next week.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Update OCT 30

NOVEMBER CHARACTER TRAIT: Cleanliness (Taharah) - this weekend is a great opportunity to start talking to your children about the shared responsibility we have for keeping our places of work/leisure clean and organised in shaa Allah.

SOCIAL STUDIES: The students will be drawing the election campaigns to a close and will be voting in our Grade 5 Government/Prime Minister. In a few weeks we will also be travelling to Parliament to learn more about how/where Canada's laws are created at the highest levels of government.

ISLAMIC STUDIES: We will be learning about some of the Prophets of Islam (Musa/ Hud), and Muslim Fashion before we take a more in-depth look at Prayer in Islam.


Arabic Speakers: Exercise #2


Math: TenMarks Assignment due Tuesday
- Finish Math booklet
- Chapter 2 Test Friday Nov 6

Science: pg 34, 37 (first part) Due Monday

Quran: Test on Whole Surah and new vocabulary Wednesday

Friday, 23 October 2015

Science & Art Update

Science Updates
  • We are concluding the Respiratory System and will start Circulatory System next week.
  • Quiz on Monday, October 26. Study p. 55, 56 from duo tang.
  • Homework p. 61 from duo tang.
  • Sign and return the marked quiz.
  • Anti-Smoking posters due Monday, October 26 
  • We've had a successful art workshop this week, alhamdu lillah. Students enjoyed drawing and coloring fall leaves.
  • Students will present their short skits about "Cooperation" this week.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Terry Fox update from Tr. Nancy

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
I hope this finds you well and in good health.
I hope that your fundraising for the Terry Fox Run is going well, inshaAllah. It is wonderful to see so many pledges already coming in!
Please note that Monday, October 26, is the deadline to return all Terry Fox School Run Pledges and monies to the library.
Thank you for your help in this crucial fight against cancer. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.
Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.
Nancy-Ann Brethour

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Oct 14 Update

Gr. 5 Social Studies:

Students have been continuing to learn about the political parties and Government of Canada. This week we have been developing our own party platforms/campaign materials in preparation for our upcoming in-class elections.

Gr. 5 Islamic Studies:

The students have finished learning about Salman Al Farisi (companion of the Prophet pbuh) and have now focused their learning on Surat-ul-Mulk. The students have been asked to write a short paragraph describing a part of creation that they find "amazing". 

Masha Allah we even had a few students volunteering to help organise and deliver lesson material/class-work related to Surat-ul-Mulk. I have asked the students to try practicing their recitation of ayat 1-11 of the Surah and we will be reviewing some of the important lessons of the chapter in the weeks to come in shaa Allah.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Terry Fox Run

Assalamu Alaikum

The National Terry Fox School Run day is this week, inshaAllah. For more information concerning this important cause, please click here to view the flyer.

Thank you for your support in this crucial fight against cancer. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.

Monday, 21 September 2015

News and Events from the School Librarian

salamun alaykum,

Please check the Abraar School Library site for great resources, news and events.

JazakAllahu khayr

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Welcome + Important Information


Dear Parents,
As salamu Alaykum.
It is with great pleasure and excitement that we welcome you to a new academic year at Abraar School! This year, as the Grade 5 & 6 students grow and prepare for the next stages of their education, they will have the opportunity to learn/explore their interests in the different subject areas alongside all 5/6 Staff members.
The (subject) teachers of each of the Grades 5 & 6 classes are as follows:
5/6 Math
Tr. Rania
5/6 Language
Tr. Salma
5/6 Science,
5/6 Art,
5/6 Gym/Health (Girls)
Tr. Dina Z.
5/6 Social Studies,
5/6 Islamic Studies,
5/6 Gym/Health (Boys)
Tr. Mohammad
5/6 Arabic (Speakers)
Tr. Hoda H.
Tr. Nesreen

5/6 Arabic (Non-Speakers)
Tr. Sahar

5/6 French
Tr. Said
Tr. Fatima

5/6 Quran
Tr. Hadia

            All subject teachers will keep you informed and up-to-date using a combination of email, blog updates, and the student agenda. Checking these items regularly will keep you aware of topics of work, projects/quizzes/tests/assignments, upcoming school events/dates, volunteer opportunities/class fieldtrips, and will assist you, and your child in getting the most out of his/her education.
Lastly, due to the importance of maintaining consistent support both at-home and school, we kindly request that you verify your contact information with the school’s front office.
Kindest Regards,
Abraar School Grade 5 & 6 Staff


Your child will be bringing home Medical forms that are required to be completed and signed by parents/guardians.

Please make sure you read and sign the Allergy letter so we can keep our schools safe for all students. 

IF your child has an Anaphylaxis  or Medical Emergency plan and carries an Epi-Pen or other medications, please fill out the Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan with a current picture of your child attached. You may print a picture at home as long as it is clear and recent. 

Jazkallahu-Khair for your cooperation

Tr. Mohammad

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

VCOP Review activities


VCOP – Vocabulary – quick activity 1

Don’t say he "said” say ……
Think of 10 alternatives.
Now put them in a sentence.

VCOP – Connectives – quick activity 1

“but” or “so”? Which is the best connective?
I went to the park …. It was too wet to go on
the slide.

The slide was wet …. I went back home again.

I was hungry… Mum made me a sandwich.

I love sandwiches…. I don’t like eating the

Can you write out each sentence again using a different connective?

VCOP – Openers – quick activity 1

What is the most interesting way to finish the

Hurriedly ….

Sadly …..


Last Night ….

VCOP - Dictionary - quick activity 1

i) Write out these WOW words in alphabetical order.
quarrel - location - analyse - suffocate - inquisitive

ii) Write out the dictionary definition for each word.

iii) Write a sentence using each word.

VCOP - Up Level activity 1

'Up level' the following sentence by using adverbs, adjectives and additional information to make it more interesting. Write three different possibilities  under the original sentence. e.g. 'The cat slept.'

The lazy cat slept soundly.

The black cat slept soundly through the thunderstorm.

The Persian cat slept lightly that night, anticipating the return of the dog.

'A policeman arrived.'

VCOP – Punctuation – quick activity 1

Full stop, question mark or exclamation mark?

Write the following sentences using the correct
punctuation. `

Look at the state of those boots

How did they get so muddy

Put them outside please

Now write three sentences of your own!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015


Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

It is with pleasure that we invite you to come to the first annual Abraar Elementary School Islamic Book Fair. Please visit Noteworthy News and Events  on the school library website for more information on this exciting event!!

Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.


Nancy-Ann Brethour

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Thursday Professional Day + Update

Assalamu Alaikum dear parents,

On Thursday, May 28 the student council in the elementary school is holding an event called 'Professional Day', where students can dress like any professional! Recently students participated in Community Day and learned all about different professionals, such as lawyers, doctors, veterinarians, police officers, etc! There is one thing in common between all the professionals which is for them to be compassionate towards others. This goes in line with our monthly character trait of compassion! 

*Please note that it was recently announced to the students that it was supposed to be a 'Fantasy Day', however, the theme has been changed to 'Dress like a Professional'. The students are aware of the change. 

Jazakamu Allahu Khairun

Islamic Studies: The students will be creating a video presentation to share with the other grades about Prophet Saleh. The students will be narrating, illustrating, and hopefully dramatizing parts of the story in shaa Allah.

Language: The students are finishing up the novel study, and we will be starting our review of the year's key learning soon in shaa Allah.

Social Studies: We are learning more about the political parties of Canada, how our views and beliefs fit in with those of the parties, and talking about different issues for the upcoming Federal Election. 

Other: The Grade 5/6 boys have started a soccer tournament on Wednesdays at lunch time. Additionally, this Thursday afternoon (May 28th) we will be having boys from another islamic school visiting us for a friendly match.

Thank you as always for your continued support, and please feel free to email me if you have any questions of concerns in shaa Allah. 

JazakumAllahu khayran

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

French Cafe

Dear Parents,

Assalam Alaikum,

As part of the French curriculum, the grades 6 students are hosting the  French Café (called Café De France) . The event will be  on Thursday May 21, 2015 Insha’a Allah for all students.
 We will be serving light snacks and drinks that we find, usually, in a French café like: sandwiches, café (coffee), crêpes (French pancakes), gâteau (cake) and biscuits (cookies). The prices will range from $0.50 to  $3.00.
Students from grade 6 will be waiters and servers.
Proceeds from the sale will be donated back to the school.
Help us make this event a success.

Welcome to Café de France!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

May 8th Update

as salamu alaykum,

Alhamdulillah we have had a very busy week! We enjoyed our field trip to the aviation museum. We saw some amazing and inspiring speeches yesterday (check your email for links to videos of the speeches).

Next week we will also have a few more activities:
Monday May 11th - Tennis lesson
Wednesday May 13th - Community Day (classroom visits from guest professionals)
Thursday May 14th - School Photo ***MAKE SURE THE STUDENTS HAVE PROPER UNIFORM***


The students will continue novel study activities. Alhamdulillah the kids seem to be enjoying the novel "Ultra" by David Carroll.\

Islamic Studies:

The children's Islamic studies projects are due this Wednesday in shaa Allah. Please remind them they will need to give a short presentation based on their research. Each student should decide the way they feel would be most effective for the presentation (ex. oral, PowerPoint, poster, etc.).

Geometry Test on TuesdayMay 12 in Chapter 7 (Lessons 3, 4, 5, 6) and Chapter 11 (Lesson 3, 7, 8, 9). Don't forget to review the work we covered on the notebook!
Next week, we will start working on Fraction inshaAllah.

Still working on Forces and Structures. We completed two very interesting activities: "Straw Bridges" and "Toothepick Trusses" before attending the workshop at the Aviation Museum (Forces Acting on Structures). 

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Apr 29 Language and Islamic Studies Update

as salamu alaykum,

Here are a few of the things we are working on in the class, and looking forward to in the coming weeks.

Guest Speaker - May 4th
Field Trip to the Aviation Museum - May 6th
School-wide Speech Competition - May 7th
Tennis Workshop - May 11th
Community Day - May 13th

Language - the children have started reading the award winning novel "Ultra" by Canadian David Carroll. We will be reading through the book in school, and carrying out a few interesting activities related to the novel as we go along. This week we have been reading the first few chapters together and completing comprehension questions related to the material in the novel.

Islamic - PROJECT DUE MAY 13th I have given the students an independent task to research and study in detail one of the following Surat: Al Mulk, Al Insan, Nuh, Duha, Al Mursalat. Once the students become acquainted with the surah and its meaning/tafsir, they are meant to look into the history/significance surrounding the revelation, and create an analysis of main ideas/lessons of the Surah. The students should organize their findings to present to the class. I have left it open to the children to choose which media is most appropriate for their presentation (e.g. poster, speech, powerpoint, etc.)

Saturday, 25 April 2015

French Update

Friday,April 24, 2015
Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents
Here is the news from the French class:
Our daily routine is drilling the vocabulary related to our daily activities (opposites, gender, and numbers). We are talking about activities at school or at home. Al Hamdulillah, students are improving in expressing their basic needs in French and talking in French while working with a partner during French class.
We are still working on our story “Chat Angora ” and we have also started  Les questions partielles as a creative activity . We are working on/reviewing some grammar concepts like double verbs construction, contraction and verbs for singular pronouns.  
In mid May, Insha’a Allah we will have the French café. To prepare students for this event we have started also working on the vocabulary related to French Café setting.
  • Tuesday, April 28, we are having the 5th French test: spelling, Les questions totales, les mots en ordre and verb conjugation for singular pronouns.

  • The spelling list for Tuesday is:

  1. Je veux manger un biscuit.
  2. Je prends un jus de pomme.
  3. Combien ça coȗte?
  4. Est-ce que ma commande est prête?
  5. Je prends un gâteau au fromage.
  6. Je prends un sandwich au poulet.
  • Les questions totales  and Les mots en ordre are related to the  story. We already  did these 2 activities and corrected them in class.

Jazakum Allah Kheiran for your cooperation and your support.

Dr Amina Ould-brahim,
French teacher
Science coordinator

Monday, 20 April 2015

Cleanliness character trait / Wednesday is Earth Day!

salamun alaykum wa rahmatullah,

As I'm sure many of you are aware this Wednesday will be Earth Day. Please see the flyer below for details about the corresponding Spirit Day.

In addition to speaking about conservation and living an environmentally conscious lifestyle, we have a cleanest class competition, and have been trying our best to remind the students to be environmentally-friendly with their food packaging at lunch time (i.e. reduce, reuse, recycle whenever possible).

As always, thank you and jazakum Allahu khayran for your continued support!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Tr. Amal Arabic update

السلام عليكم أولياء الأمور

في الأسبوع القادم إن شاءالله سيكون اختبارات شهرية لللغة العربية وقد تم تحديد ذلك مع التلاميذ على النحو التالي: 

القراءة    يوم الأربعاء في درس جحا والحمار - الألعاب الأومبية .

الخميس   قواعد في الجملة الاسمبة - الفعل المضارع رفعه ونصبه .

الجمعة     تسليم موضوع التعبير (رحلة مدرسية)

أرجو المتابعة والمساعدة وستتم المراجعة من قبل المدرسة قبل كل اختبار

المدرسة : أمل

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Math and Science Update

TomorrowFriday inshaAllah, we will be concluding Chapter 10  (Dividing Decimals) and we will have our Chapter Test this coming TuesdayApril 21st. Please review Lessons: 2, 3, 4, and 7. 
On this test, I will also include a few questions from Chapter 5 (Measuring Length and Time) as students did not do well on the test for this chapter. So, this is a chance for them to improve their mark inshaAllah. Please review the test itself and/or Lessons: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, and circumference of circle (from notebook).

We're well on our way with the new unit "Force Factor" and we covered some of the major concepts: forces, structures, and machines. Today, the students had loads of fun trying to design a structure that supports their Math textbook using only a single sheet of paper and 30 cm of tape! Ask them how they did it!
Thank you to the parents who sent in some simple machines to school, but we still need more: screw driver, pliers, small toy car, egg beater, toy with a pulley, etc... We will send them back home at the end of the unit.

Project (New Product) 
The due date has been postponed to next Friday, April 24th. The students are allowed to take their boxes home for the weekend, but have to be careful not to crush it in their bags!!
To sum up:
The students were asked to design an edible new product that enhances one of the body functions, ex: stronger bones, smarter brain, bigger muscles, or even whiter teeth. They could exaggerate a little bit like designing tea that grows your hair one inch a day! The important thing is to do some research and find the special ingredient or ingredients that are doing the "magic", and include these in the ingredients on the box.
They are supposed to design the box that holds their product. Of course the box is empty! They should include everything that a regular packaging has: Brand name, product name, pictures, mass or volume, ingredients, nutrition facts table, bar code, and any other information like peanut warning or address of the company. They could even include a riddle or a game on the box if there is space for that. 
The students are also supposed to write a short marketing text to go with their box. It should include a brief explanation about their product, like an ad for example. What would they say to encourage people to buy their product? A slogan should be included, ex: "Eat this gum, and you'll never be dumb!" Examples were shown in class.
This text should be typed and printed out at home before Thursday as the students will glue this on a piece of bristol board at school. 

Jazakumullahu khairan for your support.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Apr 14 subject updates

This week we will be working on polishing up our Speeches in preparation of next months competition.The children will be allowed to do some research in the computer lab today, but should also take initiative at home if they require further research into their topic.

Next week we will begin presenting speeches in front of the class as well.

Students have also been given a challenge to write and direct their own Movie Trailer. The kids and I are both very excited to see what their efforts produce. I will give them 3 Scene Options which they will need to interpret visually and complete dialogue for.

Social Studies
The elections are approaching quickly. No date has been set yet (to allow time to work on Language and Science projects whose deadlines are Friday and next Monday)/

Last week, we worked on estimating quotients, dividing by 10, and calculating a decimal quotient.
This week inshaAllah, we will continue with chapter 10 and work on dividing decimals by whole numbers, and problem solving.

Alhamdu lillah, we have concluded the unit on Body Works and the students are completing their final touches on their projects "New Product" which they should submit by the end of next week. 
We will be starting the unit on "Forces Acting on Structures" inshaAllah next week.Please send to school any simple machines you can spare around the house (can opener, hammer, toy car, peeler, etc.). We promise to send them back home by the end of this unit!

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

April 8 Lang and Soc. Update

as salamu alaykum parents,

*Notes with information about the Abraar School Yearbook, and upcoming Community Day have been handed to the students.

*Tomorrow we will be going to Altitude Gym for a fun challenging PE-related trip.

Language work:

Students have been working on and are expected to complete the following assignments:

- Speech Competition speeches (due in class by April 27th / Competition Date is May 7th)
- News booklet assignment (due April 13th)
- Inference Worksheet #2
Social Studies work:

Students are continuing with the Elections 2015 project, and the elections will be held soon.


MashAllah, the kids have been working hard on lots of projects over the last months, and showing their abilities and growing independence. May Allah bless us all and increase us through His Mercy. Ameen.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Update Mar 26th

salamun alaykum,


The PST is happy to announce the Abraar Talent Show coming April 28 inshaAllah!!! Event posters have been put up around the school and we hope you and your students have checked them out :) Please talk to your child and encourage them to participate in this event and consider joining in on the fun yourself!!! This year auditions will be submitted electronically only. Please go to the PST blog for more details on submission form and procedure. Don't forget deadline for submission is April 7 @9:00 pm inshaAllah.
We would appreciate it if you can help us spread the word to parents by including the following link in your personal class blog update:
It was a big hit last year and we hope it will be the same this year inshaAllah. Thank you and looking forward to your participation. 

Congratulations to all the Science Fair participants on showing your skills and learning. Your hard work and effort really showed! May Allah increase you in your beneficial knowledge and lead you to success with all that you are learning. Ameen!

Subject Updates:

Social Studies: Students are working on the "Grade 5 Elections". So far candidates have made their initial campaign speeches. We are now looking forward to press conferences from candidates, news reports on the election, and supporting campaign ads/skits.

Language: We are continuing our work with speeches. Not only will we incorporate our learning in the Social Studies Elections, but also in our preparation for the Annual Speech Competition.

Math:  update coming soon

Health/Science:  Students are starting a cross-curricular project where they will be designing a new product packaging for a health-promoting product.